
Formal Specifications Checker for Java

A modified version of the Eclipse IDE’s Java Development Tools component that performs syntax checking, typechecking, and run-time checking of preconditions and postconditions specified as part of the @pre and @post tags in the Javadoc comments for methods and constructors, and class invariants specified as part of the @invar tags in the Javadoc comments for classes and fields. (Note: run-time checking of class invariants is currently incomplete; currently, only the invariants of this are checked.)

The current version also checks grammatical well-formedness and well-typedness of the formal parts of @throws, @may_throw, @inspects, @mutates, and @mutates_properties clauses, and grammatical well-formedness of the formal parts of @creates clauses. It also evaluates @throws clauses and reports and error if an exception specified by a @throws clause whose condition holds is not thrown, but otherwise does not yet check these clauses at run time.


class GameCharacter {

    private int health;
    public int getHealth() { return health; }
     * @pre The specified initial health is nonnegative.
     *    | 0 <= initialHealth
     * @post This game character's health equals the specified initial health.
     *    | getHealth() == initialHealth
    public GameCharacter(int initialHealth) {
        health = initialHealth;
     * @pre The specified amount of health is nonnegative
     *    | 0 <= amount
     * @post This game character's health equals its old health minus the specified amount of health.
     *    | getHealth() == old(getHealth()) - amount
    public void takeDamage(int amount) {
        health -= amount;

class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new GameCharacter(100).takeDamage(50);


Installation instructions

FSC4J is a modified version of the Java Development Tools component of the Eclipse 2023-12 IDE. First install Eclipse IDE for Java Developers 2023-12 (FSC4J is not compatible with older or newer releases of Eclipse!); then, in Eclipse’s Help menu, choose Install New Software…. Then choose Add… to add the FSC4J software site:

Then, below FSC4J, check Eclipse Java Development Tools. You can tell from the version number that this is an FSC4J version of this component. Then click Next and follow the on-screen instructions.

After restarting Eclipse, the FSC4J functionality should be active. Enter the following code; notice that argss is underlined:

class Fsc4jTest {
    /** @pre | argss == null */
    public static void main(String[] args) {

Now, replace argss by args and run the program; you will get an AssertionError. (If you do not get an error, open the Run Configuration and add -ea to the VM arguments so that assertions are enabled.)

Debugging your code

Stepping through your program and inspecting the values of variables at each step using Eclipse’s debugging functionality is an important technique for diagnosing crashes and other incorrect program behavior. Unfortunately, the code added to your program by FSC4J degrades the debugging experience. Therefore, we recommend that before starting a debugging session, you temporarily disable FSC4J by appending _nofsc4j to your package name using Eclipse’s refactoring support. (Right-click on the package in the Package Explorer and choose Refactor -> Rename.) For example, if your project is in a package called foo, rename the package to foo_nofsc4j. FSC4J will ignore all FSC4J tags in files starting with a package declaration that contains nofsc4j. As a result, it will not add any code to your program and will not impact the debugging experience. After you are done debugging, restore your original package name so that you will again benefit from FSC4J’s syntax checks, type checks, visibility checks, and run-time checks.


I am getting orange underlines all over my formal specifications!

This is the Eclipse spell checker. Disable it by hovering over an underlined word and choosing Disable spell checking from the menu that appears.

When installing, I get a “Conflicting Dependency: Eclipse DSL Tools” error

FSC4J conflicts with the Eclipse DSL Tools, which are included with the Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers, but not with the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers. Solution: uninstall the Eclipse DSL Tools in About Eclipse -> Installation Details -> Installed Software -> Eclipse DSL Tools -> Uninstall (or install the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers).

I’m not seeing any run-time checking behavior!

Make sure assertions are enabled. Specify -ea on the JVM command line. In Eclipse, open your run configuration and add -ea under VM arguments.

Also check that FSC4J was installed successfully. In About Eclipse (in Eclipse’s Help menu on Windows; in the Eclipse menu on macOS) -> Installation Details -> Installed Software, check that the version number of Eclipse Java Development Tools mentions fsc4j.

When stepping through the run-time checks in the Eclipse debugger, all kinds of platform classes are shown

Filter those out by enabling Step Filtering. Right-click on the offending stack frame in the Threads view and choose Edit Step Filters.... Enable java.*, jdk.*, sun.*.

When installing, I get “Updates are not permitted”

Make sure your user account has write access to the folder where you installed Eclipse.